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Stereographs Project

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HomeContents > People > Photographers > William Shew

Other: W. Shew 
Other: William J. Shew 
Other: Wm. Shew 
Dates:  1820 - 1903
Born:  US
Active:  US
American casemaker, daguerreotypist, and photographer. 
Stereographs project 
Business locations 
San Francisco, CA, US 
[5-0] [6-8] [Willi]am Shew; poss. also in partnership with Charles F. Hamilton in San Francisco, 54] Issued scarce loc. scy., damage done by earthquake, 10/21/68; no ID but this series also comes as CDVs "photographed by..." Listed 51-03. Relationship if any between Jacob & William Shew unknown. 
T.K. Treadwell & William C. Darrah (Compiled by), Wolfgang, Sell (Updated by), 11/28/2003, Photographers of the United States of America, (National Stereoscopic Association)
Credit: National Stereoscopic Association with corrections and additions by Alan Griffiths and others.
NOTE: You are probably here because you have a stereograph to identify. Please email good quality copies of the front and back to so we can create reference collections for all.

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If you have a portrait of this photographer or know of the whereabouts of one we would be most grateful.
Family history 
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Visual indexes

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Visual indexes for this photographer are available for subscribers.There is so much more to explore when you subscribe. 

Internet biographies

Terms and Conditions

Getty Research, Los Angeles, USA has an ULAN (Union List of Artists Names Online) entry for this photographer. This is useful for checking names and they frequently provide a brief biography. Go to website

Useful printed stuff

If there is an analysis of a single photograph or a useful self portrait I will highlight it here.

• Szarkowski, John 1973 Looking at Photographs: 100 Pictures from the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art (New York: The Museum of Modern Art) p.14 [Analyzes a single photograph by William Shew.] 
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