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Home > Luminous-Lint Talks

I've been following the fascinating talks given by the Daguerreian Society since they started in June 2020 as a response to COVID-19. The Daguerreian Society Lecture Series is not to be missed for those interested in early photography.

I've decided that it would informative, and enjoyable, to give a number of talks, and possibly entire courses, on aspects of Luminous-Lint as it has a wider remit than early photography. 


Luminous-Lint: An introduction - Challenges and Opportunities
Speaker: Alan Griffiths
Sunday 23 August - 1:30 EDT.

An introduction to Luminous-Lint with ample time for questions. 
Luminous-Lint Talk 
Grasping the complexity of photohistory is dependent upon research, analysis and the creation of visual examples and texts that clarify the issues. Luminous-Lint seeks to delve deep to spot the trends but always using the photographs as the research base. 
Since 2005 Luminous-Lint has been working from the images towards the arguments and explanatory texts. By bringing together over 100,000 hand-picked images from over 3,600 public and private collections one can start to see patterns. For the last seven years the major concentration of effort has been on how to construct increasingly meaningful histories of photography. These started out as naive pages on different genres and regions of the world but they are now evolving into well-structured pieces and some have grown into book-sized topics illustrated with thousands of examples. 
This illustrated talk will provide an overview to Luminous-Lint, how it all comes together and why. It will be a light-hearted romp but will give you meaningful insights into the history, present situation and future plans for Luminous-Lint. 
Many of you subscribe to Luminous-Lint and provide photographs and information to enhance it. This is a rare opportunity to see what is going on at a very personal level. 
Talks will be given using ZOOM and you will be emailed the Meeting Id and password on the day of the presentation.
If you have not already paid a donation of $25 is required for this talk and the proceeds go to improving Luminous-Lint. 
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any communications about this talk will only be sent to the email you use for PayPal. 

Alan Griffiths

Alan Griffiths has been a university lecturer for post-graduate students on Multimedia (University of Sheffield, UK), Visiting Professor (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) and he has presented courses in USA, Mexico, Portugal, France, Greece, Italy and Canada. He has received multiple grants for curriculum development and teaching. 
He has given numerous seminars, courses and lectures on photohistory including to the Royal Photographic Society (UK), Charles University (Czech Republic), Rijksmuseum (The Netherlands), National Hungarian Museum (Hungary), Romanian Academy (Romania), the Getty (USA), LACMA (USA) and many others in Canada, Italy, Abu Dhabi and elsewhere. 
The Luminous-Lint website was announced in 2005 and the last fifteen years have involved intensive research to construct collaborative frameworks for the better understanding of photohistory. Luminous-Lint is used by major museums, art institutes, universities, photohistorians and collectors around the world.
Alan Griffiths
© Rafael Goldchain
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