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HomeContentsTimelines > 1954-1973

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1954North America • CanadaFirst issue of Sports Illustrated (Vol.1 No.1) and includes a photograph by Mark Kauffman of the mile race between Dr. Roger Bannister (England) and Michael Landy (Australia) in Vancouver when both men beat the four minute barrier. (16 August 1954)
1955North America • USAEdward Steichen organizes The Family of Man Exhibition which was shown first at Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York but tours to widespread acclaim and vast crowds. It includes 503 works by 273 photographers from 68 countries. 
Family of Man 
Edward Steichen
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1955North America • USA 
Roy DeCarava
Book cover for Roy DeCarava "The Sweet Flypaper of Life" Story by Langston Hughes. (New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1955) 
Roy DeCarava and Langston Hughes publish The Sweet Flypaper of Life
The Sweet Flypaper of Life 
Roy DeCarava; & Langston Hughes (Photographer)
1956Europe • France 
William Klein
Book cover for William Klein, New York, life is good & good for you in New York, (Paris: Le Seuil, 1956) 
William Klein publishes Life Is Good & Good for You in New York.
1956Europe • Czechoslovakia 
Josef Sudek
Book cover for "Lubomir Linhart: Josef Sudek Fotografie" (Prague, Statni Nakl.Krasne Literatury, Hudby a Umeni, 1956) 
Josef Sudek publishes Josef Sudek Fotografie.
1956Europe • Netherlands 
Ed Van der Elsken
Book cover for André Deutsch & Ed van der Elsken "Love on the Left Bank" (Holland: Export printing office W. vonk, 1956) 
Ed Van der Elsken publishes Love on the Left Bank
Love on the Left Bank 
Van Der Elsken
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1957North America • USA 
Russell Kirsch and colleagues (NIST)
Walden Kirsch, son of Russell Kirsch, the leader of the team that developed the image scanner. 
One of the earliest digital images created showing Walden Kirsch, baby son of Russell Kirsch, the leader of the team at National Bureau of Standards (NIST) that developed the image scanner.
1959Europe • NetherlandsEd Van der Elsken publishes Jazz.
1959North America • USAAaron Siskind publishes Photographs 
Aaron Siskind 100 
Aaron Siskind
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1959North America • USA 
Robert Frank
Front cover of "the Americans" (New York: Grove Press) 
Robert Frank publishes The Americans. A French edition published by Delpire had been released in 1958. 
The Americans 
Robert Frank; & Jack Kerouac
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1959North America • USA 
Richard Avedon
Book cover for Richard Avedon, Observations, With text by Truman Capote (Lucerne: Camera Verlag C. J. Bucher, 1959) [First German edition] 
Richard Avedon and Truman Capote publish Observations.
1960North America • USAIrving Penn publishes Moments Preserved.
1960Asia • JapanInejiro Asanuma (Chairman of Japan's Socialist Party) is assassinated in the Hibiya Hall in Tokyo by a right wing student. Yasushi Nagao, working for the Tokyo daily newspaper Mainichi photographs the stabbing. (12 October 1960)
1961Europe • Great Britain 
Bill Brandt
Book cover for "Perspective of Nudes" (London: the Bodley Head) 
Bill Brandt publishes Perspective of Nudes.
1962North America • USA 
Frederick Sommer
Book cover for Frederick Sommer, 1962, Frederick Sommer 1939-1962 Photographs, (New York: Aperture) 
Frederick Sommer publishes Frederick Sommer 1939-1962 Photographs
1963Asia • VietnamThich Quang Doc, a Buddhist priest, burns himself to death as a protest over religious freedom on a street in Saigon. Malcolm Browne (AP) photographs the protest. (11 June 1963)
1963North America • USAJack Ruby assassinates Lee Harvey Oswald - the supposed killer of President John F. Kennedy who had died two days earlier. Robert Jackson (Dallas Times-Herald) photographs the exact moment of the shooting and is awarded the 1964 Pulitzer Prize. (24 November 1963)
1963Asia • Japan 
Eikoh Hosoe
Book cover for Eikoh Hosoe "Ba-Ra-Kei [Killed by Roses]" (Tokyo, Shuei-sha, 1963) 
Eikoh Hosoe and the novelist Yukio Mishima publish Killed by Roses. The ardent nationalist Mishima commits suicide by seppuku on 25 November 1970.
1964North America • USA 
Harry Callahan
Book cover for "Photographs: Harry Callahan" (Santa Barbara, California: El Mochuelo Gallery, 1964) 
Harry Callahan publishes Photographs.
1965Europe • Great BritainHelmut Gernsheim & Alison Gernsheim publish A Concise History of Photography with the first edition published by Thames and Hudson in the UK and Grosset & Dunlap in the USA.

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