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Les Chiens de Paris 
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72 pages 
Thames and Hudson Ltd 
Published 1995 
Dogs are widely pampered by their owners in Paris. Elevated almost to the status of human beings, well-fed and immaculately groomed, these creatures are seen throughout the city riding the Metro, sitting in the front seat of a taxi, or relaxing side by side with their maitre at a cafe table. This is a collection of photographs depicting dogs of all shapes and sizes with their devoted owners. Images from many photographers chronicle a century of Parisian dogs: huge hounds, highly-strung miniature purebreds and jaunty mongrels are captured by Lartigue in the Bois de Bologne, Erwitt in the Boulevard St Germain, Doisneau at the Louvre, and Cartier-Bresson along the Seine.

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Les Chiens de Paris 
Barnaby Conrad
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Les Chats de Paris 
Barnaby Conrad
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