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Product Details 
96 pages 
White Pine Press 
Published 2001 
Book Description 
Rogovin, the only living photographer to have his work included in Los Angeles' new Getty Museum, has traversed the world to capture on film those who are forgotten and overlooked. His photographs portray human dignity, despite abject the poverty and personal strife of his subjects. This book draws from Rogovin's major series and encompasses five decades of work.

This photographer...

Milton Rogovin: The Forgotten Ones 
Dave Isay; David Miller; & Harvey Wang
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Bonds Between Us 
Milton Rogovin (Photographer); Marjorie Agosin (Preface); & Robert J. Doherty (Introduction)
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Portraits in Steel 
Milton Rogovin (Photographer); & Michael Frisch (Photographer)
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Windows That Open Inward: Images of Chile 
Milton Rogovin (Photographer); Pablo Neruda; & Dennis Maloney (Editor)
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