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Doisneau, 40-44 
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Product Details 
Unknown Binding 
123 pages 
Hoebeke Centre d'histoire de la Resistance et de la deportation 
Published 1994 
Language Notes 
Text: French

This photographer...

Doisneau, 40-44 
Robert Doisneau
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La Transhumance de Robert Doisneau 
Robert Doisneau
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Three Seconds of Eternity 
Robert Doisneau; & Robert Stecker (Introduction)
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Robert Doisneau: Paris 
Robert Doisneau (Photographer)
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Robert Doisneau 1912-1994 
Jean-Claude Gaufrand
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Robert Doisneau: A Photographer's Life 
Peter Hamilton
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Peter Hamilton; David Elliott; & Robert Doisneau (Preface)
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Parisians: Photographs by Peter Turnley ; Forewords by Edouard Boubat and Robert Doisneau ; Text by Adam Gopnik and Peter Turnley 
Peter Turnley (Photographer); & Adam Gopnik
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