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Search results.... 
Frans Lanting; Diana Landau; & Cynthia Overbeck Bix 
Animal Athletes: Olympians of the Wild World 
1996,  (Andrews McMeel Publishing) 
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1552094960Jay Maisel 
Jay Maisel's New York 
2000,  (Firefly Books) 
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1899235159Dolores Marat 
1997,  (Dewi Lewis Publishing) 
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189923568XDolores Marat 
2001,  (Dewi Lewis Publishing) 
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8881584689Ugo Panella (Photographer); Maria Cristina Didero (Essay); & Renata Pisu (Essay) 
Beyond: Looking at Disabilities 
2005,  (Charta) 
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0131422316Reuters Journalists 
Titans of Sports: Unforgettable Moments 
2003,  (Reuters Books) 
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