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Stereographs Project

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HomeContents > Animals

Frank Haes, No. 32, The Young African Elephant, [Photographed from Life by Frank Haes; And Published under the auspices of the Council of the Zoological Society of London], 1865 (ca), Stereocard, detail, Private collection of Fr. Gregor, LL/50929
308.01   Introduction to fauna and the animal kingdom
308.02   Trophies and hung game
308.03   Taxidermists and taxidermy
308.04   Animals in the wild
308.05   The genius of animal photography
308.06   Different ways of seeing animals
308.07   Elephants
308.08   Lions
308.09   Tigers
308.10   Camels
308.11   Deer
308.12   Wolves
308.13   Monkeys, chimpanzees and apes
308.14   Giraffes
308.15   Zebras
308.16   Hippopotami
308.17   Snakes
308.18   Alligators and crocodiles
308.19   Bears
308.20   Rabbits and hares
308.21   Henry Fox Talbot: Animal photographs
308.22   John Dillwyn LLewelyn and his stuffed animals
308.23   Comte de Montizon: London Zoo
308.24   J.-E.-H., Bon Le Couteulx de Canteleu: La Chasse du loup, par,... avec des planches photographiées d'après nature par Crémière, Hanfstaengel et Platel (1861)
308.25   Frank Haes: Stereocard details of London Zoo (ca. 1865)
308.26   James Green and James H. Gardiner: British Batrachians and Reptiles (ca 1896)
308.27   Eadweard Muybridge: Animals in motion
308.28   Advert for J.D.B. Stillman "The Horse In Motion, As Shown By Instantaneous Photography," (London: Trubner and Co., 1882)
308.29   Book review of J.D.B. Stillman "The Horse In Motion, As Shown By Instantaneous Photography," (London: Trubner and Co., 1882)
308.30   Ottomar Anschütz: Animal studies
308.31   Daguerreotypes: Nature
308.32   Cartes de visite: Nature
308.33   Cabinet cards: Animals
308.34   Smithsonian National Zoo - Contemporary photography
Changing perspectives
308.35   Diverse perspectives on animals
308.36   Animals conclusions
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