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HomeContents > Islamic architecture

Muhammad Sadiq, View of the Mosque at Mecca: the walk around the Ka' ba, 1881, Albumen print, Victoria and Albert Museum, Presented by Lady Palmer, Museum number: PH.2137-1924, Image reference 2011FB3691, LL/46205
Islamic architecture
875.01   Islamic architecture
Specific religious buildings
875.02   Jerusalem: Temple Mount and the Al-Aqsa Mosque
875.03   Constantinople - Istanbul: Santa Sophia Mosque
875.04   Egypt: Cairo: Cemeteries and tombs of the Mamalukes
875.05   India: Agra: Motee Masjid - Pearl Mosque
875.06   India: Agra: Delhi: Jama Masjid Mosque
875.07   Juan Laurent: The Islamic architecture of Spain
875.08   Abdullah frères: Islamic architecture
875.09   Mohammad Sadiq: Mecca (1880-1881)
875.10   Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje & Abd al Ghaffar: Pilgrimage to Mecca (1884-1885)
875.11   Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: Bilder aus Mekka (1889)
875.12   H.A. Mirza & Sons: Views of Mecca and Medina (1907)
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