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Stereographs Project

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1854North America • USA 
Edward Anthony
Bottle of Developer based upon the patent of James A. Cutting used in the collodion process 
James Ambrose Cutting receives a US patent for the ambrotype process, known as the bromide patent. The name ambrotype comes from the Greek ambrotos meaning immortal.
1854Europe • France 
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri 
André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri is granted a patent for carte-de-visite. Eight poses were made on a single sheet and then they could be cut down to 2 1/4 x 3 1/2 inches and mounted on a 2 1/2 x 4 inch card.
His studio was established using the dowry of his wife Elizabeth who was also a photographer and his business partner. (McCauley, Elizabeth A., 1985, A.A.E. Disderi and the Carte De Visite Portrait Photograph, Yale University Press) (November 1854)
1854North America • USA 
Southworth & Hawes
River View with Seated Figure 
1854 (ca)
Southworth & Hawes are issued a patent (No: 11,304) for taking daguerreotypes for stereoscopes. (11 July 1854) 
Young America: The Daguerreotypes of Southworth & Hawes 
Brian Wallis (Author); Grant Romer; & Alan Trachtenberg
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1854North America • USAW. & F. Langenheim make the first American stereographs.
1854Europe • FranceSociété Française de Photographie is founded based upon the earlier Société Héliographique which had been founded in 1851.
1854Europe • Great BritainFirst public meeting to found the Photographic Society of London.
"A number of Gentlemen engaged in Photographic pursuits having met together at different periods of the Spring and Autumn last year, formed themselves into a provisional Committee, with a view of organizing a Society of those to whom such a re-union would be acceptable. The labours of this Committee were carried on until the beginning of the present year, when it was determined to call a Public Meeting, for which purpose Circulars were issued on behalf of the Committee by Mr Roger Fenton, the Honorary Secretary, and Advertisements were inserted in the Papers....
A Public Meeting to inaugurate this Society will be held at the house of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, on THURSDAY, the 20th January, at 4 pm.
[From the Journal of the Photographic Society of London on the founding of the society. The first Committee of the Society included John Dillwyn Llewelyn, Rev Calvert Jones and Philip Delamotte.] (20 January 1854)
1854Europe • Great BritainGeorge Swan Nottage (1823-85) founds the London Stereoscopic Company. The company has the motto "a stereoscope in every home" and within a few years boasts over 100,000 views in circulation.
1854Europe • Great Britain 
Isaac A. Rehn
Family Group 
Ambrotypes (collodion positives) make their first appearance having being invented by Frederick Scott Archer (1813-1857) with the assistance of Peter Fry. Being a negative on a glass base they were cheaper than the Daguerreotype but retained the clarity of detail.
1854Europe • Great Britain 
Philip Henry Delamotte
Statues of the Egyptian pharaoh Rameses II were copied from the temple of Abu Simbel 
[Crystal Palace] 
1859 (ca)
Philip Henry Delamotte photographs the opening ceremony of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham. This is the culmination of his study of the entire rebuilding process and is one of the first examples of photojournalism. (10 June 1854) 
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1854North America • USA 
Fred Church
George Eastman on board S.S. Gallia 
1890, February
George Eastman (1854-1932) is born in Waterville, New York. (12 July 1854)
1854Europe • Great BritainAt the first exhibition of the Photographic Society in London Roger Fenton explains the photographs to the royal party of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
1854Asia • IndiaPhotographic Society of Bombay is founded
1855North America • USA 
George Robinson Fardon
View of a portion of the City and Bay, from Taylor street - in the distance the U.S. Hospital. 
[San Francisco Album. Photographs of the Most Beautiful Views and Public Buildings of San Francisco] 
1855 (ca)
George Robinson Fardon takes photographs for the album San Francisco Album. Photographs of the Most Beautiful Views and Public Buildings of San Francisco (ca. 1855). This album of albumenized salt prints is published by Herre & Bauer and has the distinction of being the first album of photographs of any American city. 
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1856North America • CanadaWilliam Notman commences his stereographic photographs of the city of Montreal.
1856Europe • Great BritainJohn Benjamin Dancer applies for a patent for a stereoscopic camera (patent 2064, applied for: 1856-09-05, granted: 1857-02-27), allowing both images to be taken at the same time. Sets of stereographs quickly become popular.
1856North America • USA 
Wooden box of Melainotype Plates for Neff's Patent, 19th Feb, 1856 
1856, 19 February
Neff's Patent for Melainotype plates. (19 February 1856)
1857Europe • Great BritainPhotography by Lady Elizabeth Eastlake is published in the London Quarterly Review.
1857Europe • Great Britain 
Oscar Gustave Rejlander
Two Ways of Life 
Queen Victoria purchases the allegorical photomontage The Two Ways of Life by Oscar Gustave Rejlander at the Art Treasures Exhibition in Manchester. [Read about]
1857North America • USA 
Alexander Beckers of New York City patented a stereo-viewer on April 7, 1857. It had a revolving mechanism which allowed multiple views of different types to be inspected sequentially by turning a knob. 
Alexander Beckers of New York City patents a stereo-viewer with a revolving mechanism which allows multiple views of different types to be inspected sequentially by turning a knob. (7 April 1857)
1858North America • USAWilliam & Frederick Langenheim publish their American Stereographic Views.

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