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HomeContentsTimelines > 1930-1939

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1931Europe • SpainSalvador Dalí (1904–1989) paints The Persistence of Memory
1932North America • USAAmelia Earhart (1897–1937) flies solo across the Atlantic.
1934Europe • Germany 
Leni Riefenstahl
Poster for the film "Triumph des Willens" 
Nuremberg Nazi Party rally headed by Adolf Hitler. Leni Riefenstahl films the rally and makes it into the propaganda film Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens) which comes out in 1935. (9 May 1934)
1937Europe • SpainPablo Picasso (1881–1973) paints Guernica that commemorates the German bombing of the Basque town during the Spanish Civil War.
1938North America • USAThe full length cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is shown.
1938Europe • SpainGeorge Orwell publishes Homage to Catalonia
1939North America • USAThe film The Wizard of Oz is released.
1939North America • USAJohn Steinbeck publishes The Grapes of Wrath
1939North America • USAThe film Gone with the Wind is released.

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