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1935Europe • FranceThe mystery of the night is explored by Bill Brandt in his piece "Nuits parisiennes" in the Surrealist magazine Minotaure (no. 7).
1935North America • USAKodachrome becomes the first color film widely available to amateurs. It is the invention of Leopold Godowsky and Leopold Mannes.
1935North America • USAExhibition at the Julian Levy Gallery in New York of works by Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Walker Evans.
1935Europe • Russia 
El Lissitzky
Book cover for El Lissitzky "Industriia Sotsializma -- Socialist Industry. Edited by B.M. Tal." (Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1935) 
El Lissitzky publishes Industriia Sotsializma Edited by B.M. Tal. (Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1935)
1935North America • USA 
Unidentified photographer
Dust Storm in Rolla, Kansas; - 05/06/35; Dear Mr. Roosevelt, Darkness came when it hit us. Picture taken from water tower one hundred feet high. Yours Truly, Chas. P. Williams. - Photo: Massive Dark cloud approaching village in forefront. 
1935, 14 April
Works Progress Administration (WPA) is launched to address some of the social upheavals of the Great Depression and the destruction of the central states by the dust storms.
1935Europe • France 
Man Ray
Book cover for Man Ray Facile -- Easy. Text by Paul Eluard, (Paris: GLM, 1935) 
Man Ray and Paul Éluard publish Facile. (Paris: GLM, 1935)
1936Europe • Great Britain 
Bill Brandt
The English at Home 
Bill Brandt publishes The English at Home.
1936Europe • France 
Hans Bellmer
[La Poupée] 
Hans Bellmer publishes La Poupée (Paris: G.L.M, 1936).
1936Europe • France 
Georges Hugnet
Book cover for Georges Hugnet "La Septième Face du Dé" (Paris: Jeanne Bucher, 1936) 
Georges Hugnet publishes La Septième Face du Dé (Paris: Jeanne Bucher, 1936).
1936Europe • Germany 
Leni Riefenstahl
Erwin Huber war bester Europõer im Olympischen Zehnkampf [Erwin Huber was the leading European in the Olympic Decathlon.] 
The Berlin Olympic Games is held and used as an immense propaganda opportunity by the Nazi party. Leni Riefenstahl photographs the athletes and her book, Schönheit im Olympischen Kampf, is published in 1937. 
Riefenstahl Olympia 
Leni Riefenstahl
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1936North America • USAKodachrome color film
1936North America • USA 
Margaret Bourke-White
Life Magazine - Vol. 1 No. 1 
1936, 23 November
First issue of the influential photo magazine LIFE comes out in the USA. Its use of the extended photo essay has an influence on generations of photojournalists. (23 November 1936)
1936North America • USA 
Arthur Rothstein
'Fleeing a dust storm'. Farmer Arthur Coble and sons walking in the face of a dust storm, Cimmaron County, Oklahoma 
Arthur Rothstein takes a photograph for the Rural Resettlement Administration (later the FSA) of Fleeing a dust storm. Farmer Arthur Coble and sons walking in the face of a dust storm, Cimmaron County, Oklahoma. It becomes one of the classic photographs of the Dust Bowl.
"The most interesting and dramatic thing to me was to show not the abandoned farms but the relation of the people to their environment: what effect it had on them, their reaction to it. The picture of the man and his two sons seemed to sum it all up."
1936Europe • Spain 
Robert Capa
Death of a Republican Soldier, Spain, near Cerro Muriano, about September 5, 1936 
Robert Capa takes his most famous photograph Loyalist Militiaman at the Moment of Death, Cerro Muriano during the Spanish Civil War. It becomes one of the seminal war images. (5 September 1936) 
Heart of Spain: Robert Capa's Photographs of the Spanish Civil War 
Robert Capa; Juan P. Fusi Aizpurua; Richard Whelan; Fusi Aizpurua; & Catherine Coleman
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1936Europe • GermanyAgfacolor color film is introduced.
1937North America • USA 
Margaret Bourke-White
Book cover for Erskine Caldwell & Margaret Bourke-White, 1937, You Have Seen Their Faces., (New York: The Viking Press) 
Margaret Bourke-White and Erskine Caldwell publish You Have Seen Their Faces
You Have Seen Their Faces 
Erskine Caldwell; Margaret Bourke-White (Photographer); & Alan Trachtenberg
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1937North America • USA 
Charles Hoff
Hindenburg, Lakehurst 
The airship Hindenburg explodes at Lake Hurst, New Jersey with the loss of 36 lives. Black and white shots are by taken most of the press photographers present including a sequence of three in rapid succession by Murray Becker (Associated Press). 35mm color Kodachrome photographs are taken by Gerry Sheedy (New York Sunday Mirror). (6 May 1937)
1937Europe • Great BritainIn the UK the Mass Observation project is founded to record the everyday lives of common people in minute detail. It does not produce the volume of photographs of the FSA in the USA but Humphrey Spender takes 900 photographs for his Worktown project. 
Humphrey Spender's Humanist Landscapes: Photo-Documents, 1932-1942 
Humphrey Spender (Photographer)
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1937North America • USA 
Dorothea Lange
Human Erosion in California (Migrant Mother) [Nipomo, California] 
As the USA is in the Great Depression of the 1930s the Farm Security Administration (FSA) is established by the Department of Agriculture. It employs many socially committed photographers to record the lives of everyday people. The archive they produce becomes one of the historical treasures of the USA. (September 1937) 
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1937North America • USAEdward Weston receives the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship - the first awarded to a photographer.

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