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HomeContentsTimelines > 1943-1962

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1943North America • USAThe film Casablanca is released.
1945Europe • Great BritainGeorge Orwell publishes Animal Farm.
1949North America • USAArthur Miller play Death of a Salesman opens.
1949Europe • France 
Jean Manzon
Front cover for "Paris Match" No. 147 
1952, 12 January
Paris Match is founded as a quality weekly using extensive photo-reportage. (March 1949)
1951North America • USAJ. D. Salinger publishes The Catcher in the Rye
1951Europe • Great BritainThe Festival of Britain is held to mark to centennial of the Great Exhibition of 1851.
1953GlobalJames Watson and Francis Crick announce that DNA has the form of a double helix and go on to receive the Nobel prize for their work. Their work is partially based on the 1952 work of Rosalind Franklin who had produced x-ray evidence and notes on the DNA molecule.
1955North America • USAThe poem Howl by Allen Ginsberg with its exploration of drug-induced realities of the Beat generation was censored but finally published in 1957 to wide acclaim.
1957North America • USAJack Kerouac publishes On the Road.
1961North America • USAAlan Shepard makes the first American space flight.
1961North America • USAJoseph Heller publishes Catch-22.
1962North America • USAAndy Warhol paints his Campbell's Soup Cans.

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