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HomeContentsTimelines > 1943-1962

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1943North America • USAWeegee (Arthur Fellig) takes his famous photograph The Critic outside the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. Published in LIFE magazine on 6 December 1943 it pushes his career forward.
1944Europe • France 
Robert Capa
The first wave of American troops landing on D-Day, Omaha Beach, Normandy coast, France; June 6, 1944 
[Magnum Founders] 
1944, 6 June (taken) 2007 (publication)
During the Allied invasion of Normandy (D-Day) Robert Capa photographs the landings at Omaha Beach. He exposes 106 frames of the heavily laden troops at they struggle past the steel landing craft obstructions before wading to an LCI (landing craft, infantry) to return to England with the first photographs of the invasion. All but eleven blurry images remain after the films are overheated when drying. (6 June 1944) [Read about]
1945North America • USALIFE in the USA runs the Holocaust photographs taken at Buchenwald in April 1945 by Lee Miller with the statement "Dead men will have indeed died in vain if live men refuse to look at them." (7 May 1945)
1945North America • USA 
Alexey Brodovitch
Book cover for Alexey Brodovitch "Ballet" (New York: J.J. Augustin, 1945) 
Alexey Brodovitch publishes Ballet (New York: J.J. Augustin, 1945).
1945Asia • Japan 
Yosuke Yamahata
A-Bomb Terror in Nagasaki, Japan 
1945, 10 August
Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki in Japan. (9 August 1945)
1945Europe • Germany 
Yevgeny Khaldei
Soldiers raising the flag of Soviet Union on the roof of Reichstag building in Berlin 
1945, 2 May
Yevgeny Khaldei photographs the placing of a Soviet flag on the Reichstag in Berlin showing that the European phase of the Second World War is nearly over. (2 May 1945) [Read about
Witness to History: The Photographs of Yevgeny Khaldei 
Evgenii Khaldei; Alice Nakhimovsky (Contributor); Alexander Nakhimovsky; Alexander D. Nakimovsky; & Alice S. Nakimovsky
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1945North America • USA 
Alfred Eisenstaedt
VJ Day in Times Square 
V-J Day ended the hostilities of the Second World War and was a time of celebrations for the Allies. The photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt catches the atmosphere of the occasion when anybody could kiss anybody and get away with it. The photograph is fascinating because of the numbers of people who claimed to be the sailor or the nurse involved to learn more about it go to (14 August 1945) [Read about]
1945Asia • Iwo Jima 
Joe Rosenthal
The flag raising on Iwo Jima 
1945, 23 Febuary (taken)
Joe Rosenthal takes the photograph of the Flag raising on Iwo Jima showing six marines putting up a large flag on Mount Suribachi. It quickly becomes one of the iconic American war photographs.
A feature film Flags of Our Fathers (2006) , directed by Clint Eastwood, retells the story. (23 February 1945) [Read about]
1945Asia • Japan 
Unidentified photographer
Nakasaki Mushroom Cloud 
Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in Japan. The tail gunner of the Enola Gay, Sgt. George R. Caron, took a roll of film of the detonation. (6 August 1945) [Read about]
1945North America • USA 
Book cover for Weegee "Naked City" (New York: Essential Books) 
Weegee (Arthur Fellig) publishes Naked City
Naked City (A Da Capo Paperback) 
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1945Europe • Czechoslovakia 
Jindrich Styrsky
Book cover for Jindrich Styrsky "Na jehlßch techto dni -- On the Needles of These Days. Text by Jindrich Heisler, design by Karel Teige" (Prague: F.R. Borovy, 1945) 
Jindrich Styrsky and Jindrich Heisler publish Na jehlach techto dni [On the Needles of these Days].
1945North America • USA 
André Kertész
Book cover for André Kertész "Day of Paris" (New York: J.J. Augustin, 1945) 
André Kertész publishes Day of Paris.
1946North America • USAWright Morris publishes The Inhabitants.
1946North America • USAAlfred Stieglitz dies. His role in placing photography amongst the arts and in influencing its direction in the late 19th century and in the first twenty years of the 20th is difficult to overstate.
1946Europe • Czechoslovakia 
Zdenek Tmej
Book cover for Zdenek Tmej, 1946, Abeceda: Dusevniho prßzdna [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness] 
Zdenek Tmej publishes Abeceda: Duševního Prázdna [Alphabet of Spiritual Emptiness]
1947North America • USA 
Robert Capa
Book cover for Robert Capa "Slightly Out of Focus" (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947) 
Robert Capa publishes Slightly Out of Focus
Slightly out of Focus 
Robert Capa
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1947Europe • FranceThe Magnum photo agency is founded. 
Magnum: Fifty Years at the Front Line of History: The Story of the Legendary Photo Agency 
Russell Miller
Click here to buy this book from Amazon
1947North America • USA 
Edward Weston
Book cover for "Edward Weston: 50 Photographs" (New York: Duell Sloan & Pearce Publishers) 
Edward Weston publishes Fifty Photographs.
1948North America • USAEdwin Land introduces the Polaroid camera
1948Europe • Denmark 
Keld Helmer-Petersen
Book cover for Keld Helmer-Petersen "122 Colour Photographs" (Copenhagen: Schoenberg, 1948) 
The Danish photographer Keld Helmer-Petersen self-publishes 122 Colour Photographs Copenhagen: Schoenberg, 1948) which embraces the Modernist style and the use of color. This is one of the first books to use color photography effectively.

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