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HomeContentsTimelines > 1964-1983

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1967North America • USAThe film The Graduate is released.
1967South America • ColumbiaGabriel García Márquez publishes One Hundred Years of Solitude
1969North America • USAThe Woodstock Music Festival
1969North America • USA 
Unidentified photographer/creator
Earthrise sequence - Earth rises over lunar horizon 
American astronauts (Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin) from Apollo 11 land on the moon whilst Michael Collins looks after the ship. (20 July 1969)
1976Europe • Great BritainThe single Anarchy in the U.K. by the Sex Pistols attacks middle class attitudes of commercialism and punk rock influences music and fashion.
1977North America • USAThe film Star Wars is released.
1980North America • USAThe Personal Computer (PC) is launched by IBM.

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