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1862Europe • France 
Duchenne & Adrien Tournachon
Plate Nr. 10 
[Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine, ou analyse électrophysiologique des passions] 
Guillaume-Amant Duchenne de Boulogne (1806-1875) publishes his findings on facial muscles in the album Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine, ou analyse électrophysiologique des passions. He stimulates different facial expressions in his subjects with electrical shocks and photographs them. This is one of the earliest photographically illustrated medical research reports.
1862Asia • Japan 
Felice Beato
Satsuma's envoys 
1864-1867 (ca)
Felice Beato arrives in Japan to produce photos of "native types".
1863Asia • India 
Bourne & Shepherd
Interior of the Bourne & Shepherd Photographic Studio, Calcutta, India 
Samuel Bourne arrives in Calcutta in early 1863. He becomes one of the preeminent photographers of British India and the Himalayas until his departure in 1870 or 1871. He has partnerships with Robertson and Howard but the most enduring was his work with Charles Shepherd and the company they created Bourne and Shepherd still continues today in Calcutta making it one of the longest established photography companies in the world.
1863North America • USA 
Alexander Gardner
Home of a Rebel Sharpshooter 
[Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Incidents of the War, pl. 41] 
Alexander Gardner “fakes” photographs of Confederate sharpshooters by moving a single corpse around to use as a prop after the Battle of Gettysburg.
1863Europe • Great Britain 
George Frederick Watts (artist)
Julia Margaret Cameron 
Julia Margaret Cameron takes up photography after she is given a camera as a present.
1864Europe • Great Britain 
Unidentified photographer/creator
Sheffield Flood, Bachelor Joseph Chapman, tailor of Hillsbrough survived by getting in this box 
James Mudd photographs the aftermath of the devastating Sheffield Flood in Northern England. (11 March 1864) [Read about]
1864Europe • France 
Louis Ducos du Hauron
Self-Portrait Transformation 
Louis Ducos du Hauron (1837-1920) patents Chronophotographie which is the first piece of equipment to record animated objects.
1864Asia • Japan 
Felice Beato
The captured Choshu Gun Battery at Shimonoseki with the Royal Navy landing party 
1864, September
Felice Beato photographs the Choshu gun battery with the Royal Navy landing party during the battle over the Shimonoseki Strait (Japan). (September 1864)
1865Africa • Egypt 
Charles Piazzi Smyth
All the Pyramids of Jeezah [i.e. Giza], from the south 
[Australian Inland Mission Collection] 
1850-1880 (ca)
Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819-1900) takes the first photographs of the interior of the Great Pyramid.
1865North America • USA 
Alexander Gardner
Execution of the Conspirators 
1865, 7 July
Lewis Powell (aka Payne), David Herold, George Atzerodt, and Mary Surratt are executed at the Old Arsenal Penitentiary in Washington for conspiring with John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln and attempting to assassinate Secretary of State Seward. Alexander Gardner documented the execution his photographs were published as wood engravings in Harper's Weekly on 22 July 1865. (7 July 1865)
1865North America • USA 
Unidentified artist
Execution of the Conspirators - Springing of the Trap 
1865, 22 July (published)
Wood engravings of the execution of the Lincoln conspirators published in Harper's Weekly. The photographs of Alexander Gardner taken on the day of the execution, 7 July 1865, were the basis for the illustrations. (22 July 1865)
1866Europe • Great Britain 
Window & Grove
Back of a cabinet card for Window & Grove 
The Cabinet Card (5 1/2 x 4 inches) becomes popular in Great Britain but spreads rapidly around the world. 
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1866Europe • Scotland 
Thomas Annan
Title page for "the Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow" 
[The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)] 
Thomas Annan (1829-1887) is commissioned to record alleys and dismal slums for the Glasgow Improvement Trust and these are published in The Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow (1878) 
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1866Europe • Great Britain 
Walter B. Woodbury
W.B. Woodbury 
1888 (publication)
The Woodburytype process is patented. Walter Bentley Woodbury of Kingston-on-Thames showed specimens of his Patent Photo-Relief Process to the Photographic Society of Scotland (10 February 1866) 
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1866North America • USA 
Timothy H. O'Sullivan
Field Where General Reynolds Fell, Gettysburg 
[Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Incidents of the War, pl. 37] 
1863, July
Alexander Gardner uses his own plates and the works of other photographers to publish Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War which contains 100 tipped in albumen prints divided into two volumes. It is the most important photographic work on the American Civil War. 
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1868Asia • China 
John Thomson
Itinerant Barbers 
1880 (ca)
John Thomson begins work on his magnum opus Illustrations of China and its People. The book, illustrated by Woodbury-type reproductions from his original photographs, is published four volumes in 1873-74 (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle)
1868North America • USA 
Carleton E. Watkins
#985 Effects of the Earthquake, Oct. 21, 1868, Market and First Streets (Detail) 
[Taber Pacific Coast Views] 
Carleton E. Watkins photographs the destruction of the San Francisco earthquake that ruptured the Hayward fault at 7:53 AM local time. (21 October 1868)
1868North America • USA 
Alexander Gardner
Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway 
Alexander Gardner completes Union Pacific Railroad portfolio, Across the Continent on the Kansas Pacific Railroad and it is among the first of the major landscape photographic studies of the American west.
1869North America • USA 
A.J. Russell
East and West shaking hands at laying last rail 
[Photographs taken during construction of the Union Pacific Railroad] 
The golden spike is driven at Promontory Point, Utah Territory, linking the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific railroads. This completes the construction of the first Transcontinental railway in North America and the ceremony is photographed by Andrew J. Russell , Alfred Hart and Charles Roscoe Savage. (10 May 1869)
1869Europe • FranceThe first issue of Revue Photographique des Hopitaux de Paris appears. Edited by Dr. A. de Montmeja, a Parisian ophthalmologist and pioneering medical photographer, it is the first medical journal to contain photographs. [Read about]

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