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HomeContentsTimelines > 1857-1876

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1869Europe • FranceLouis Ducos du Hauron publishes Les Couleurs en Photographie, Solution du Probleme that proposes the subtractive color process.
1870North America • USAHenry R. Heyl of Philadelphia patents the Magic lantern projector.
1871North America • USA 
Timothy H. O'Sullivan
7. Mountain transportation. Pack mule, Pack and Packers. 
[Wheeler Survey, Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian] 
1871-1874 (survey), 1871 (expedition)
1st Lt. Geo.M. Wheeler of the War Department Corp. of Engineers leads the Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian with Timothy H. O'Sullivan as the photographer.
1872Europe • FranceLouis Ducos du Hauron takes the first color photograph showing the town of Angouleme in France.
1872North America • USA 
Alexander Gardner
01 Red Cloud 
[Ogallalla Sioux] 
1872, May
Alexander Gardner photographs a delegation of Sioux Native Americans to Washington DC headed by Red Cloud. (May 1872) 
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1874North America • USA 
C.M. Coolidge
US patent No. 149,724, C.M. Coolidge, Processes of Taking Photographic Pictures 
1874, 14 April (patent issued)
Cassius M. Coolidge, noted for paints of dogs playing poker, issued a patent for "Processes of Taking Photographic Pictures" (US Patent No: 149,724). The patents is for the use of comic foregrounds which are the forerunner of the comic boards with holes that people can place their heads through for a candid shot becoming part of life-size caricature. (14 April 1874)

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