Every attempt is being made to ensure that the material on the site is:
Factually accurate
Useful and informative for the reader.
As complete as time will allow me to create it.
The content is grammatically sound and the spelling is accurate. [Please remember that there are different spellings in different parts of the world and that the name of a photographer can vary between sources.]
Because this site is created and maintained by a single person, namely myself, it will develop as time permits. Having said this I'm interested in ensuring that the factual material meets the guidelines set above. So if you are able to assist in improving a specific area or are able to offer a suggestion on how a page might be improved then I'm delighted to hear from you.
Personal images I will only look at images where I have specified a very specific requirement to fill a gap in the overall work. Please DO NOT send unsolicitated photographs as they fill up my mailbox.
Homework and research I only do research on a consultancy basis and charge appropriate fees. I'm only joking about the homework - I never do that [no exceptions] as it is for you to learn.
Technical aspects I am not specialist in the technical aspects of photography and have no ability to advise on the best cameras or how to use them. Sorry but there are numerous other websites that do that.
If having read these guidelines you still wish to contact me then feel free to do so - I'll always reply in a cheerful manner.