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Visual indexes
Visual Indexes are among of the most powerful features of Luminous-Lint as they highlight little known connections through the many histories of photography. Luminous-Lint includes 15,005 Visual Indexes to assist you.
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Microphotography of the Autochrome trichromatic selection mosaic, made of dyed potato starch grains (7000 grains / mm2), Photomicrograph, Institut Lumičre (The Lumiere Institute), LL/8865
Choiselat & Ratel, 1840-1850 (ca), Les arènes d'Arles, Daguerreotype, Musée français de la Photographie, LL/42300
W. Bailey, 1860s, Still life with game and vinegar, Albumen print, Ken & Jenny Jacobson, LL/43193
H.C. Baird's Daguerrean Gallery, 1840s (ca), Business card holder with a Daguerreotype portrait in the design with a card for H.C. Baird's Daguerrean Gallery, Business card holder and business card, Archives of Modern Conflict OR National Gallery of Canada, LL/9848
Léopold-Emile Reutlinger, 1910 (ca), Star, Postcard, photomontage, hand-tinted, Private collection of John Toohey, LL/43484
David Dare Parker, 2010, September, Embryos displayed for research purposes in a room at the Peace Village within the Tu Du (Freedom) Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam., [Agent Orange, Vietnam], Colour image, Provided by the artist - David Pare Parker, LL/43616
Aaron Siskind, 1956 (taken), Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation, Gelatin silver print, Howard Greenberg Gallery, LL/38028
Louis Auguste Bisson, 1841-1842, Ancient Burial Place of Téa-Kaou (Panga´-Motou), Mangareva, Gambier Islands, Polynesia, Daguerreotype, Musée de l'Homme, LL/39782
Kunihiro Shinohara, 1993-2000, Cosmic #10, [Cosmos], Digitally processed photograph, Tepper Takayama Fine Arts, LL/8404

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Examples of using Visual Indexes
As the connections within the Visual Indexes expand this will become an educational and thought-provoking research aid. There are many fresh ways of establishing linkages between photographs from all periods and using different techniques. Enjoy.
Augustus Francis Sherman, 1906-1914 (ca), [Cossack man from the steppes of Russia], Platinum print, NYPL - New York Public Library, LL/31814
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., A set of vulcanite dentures worn by Gen. John J. (Blackjack) Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in France during the First World War., Color print, National Museum of Health and Medicine, LL/6963
Arthur Rothstein, 1936, Steer Skull, Badlands, SD, Gelatin silver print, George Eastman Museum, LL/33255
1923, 13 March (patent), Photographer's "Watch the Birdie" or as the original box indicates "Canary Songster", Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/32922
1892, Hemperley's Magazine Flash Lamp, Advert, Google Books, LL/35311
Henry Fox Talbot, 1839, Lace, [Album di disegni fotogenici - The Bertoloni Album, Leaf 13 Recto], Photogenic drawing, solar microscope, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/40625
The indexes are linked into over 600 online exhibitions and so you can go as deep as you like.
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Exploring by Technique
Techniques > Albumen prints
SummaryDiscoveryTechnical detailsPreservationIdentification
Flash > Albumen prints
Techniques > Ambrotypes
Techniques > Autochromes
Techniques > Bromoil prints
Techniques > Calotypes
Techniques > Carbon prints
Techniques > Collotypes
Techniques > Cyanotype process
SummaryDiscoveryTechnical detailsPreservation
Flash > Cyanotype process
Techniques > Daguerreotypes
SummaryDiscoveryTechnical detailsPreservation
Flash > Daguerreotypes
Techniques > Fresson
Techniques > Gelatin silver prints
Flash > Gelatin silver prints
Techniques > Halftones
Techniques > Orotone
Techniques > Platinum prints
Techniques > Salted paper prints
SummaryDiscoveryTechnical detailsPreservationIdentification
Flash > Salted paper prints
Techniques > Tintypes
Techniques > Woodburytypes

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