Unidentified photographer / artist
1894Rthglement de l'Exposition
[Photo-Club de Paris / 1894]
Letterpress (L'Imprimerie Chaix)
PhotoseedPhotograph courtesy PhotoSeed.com
Included in the "Première Exposition d'Art Photographique" of the Photo-Club of Paris (1894)
An English translation of the text is provided below.
Exhibition Rules
Art. 1. An International Photographic Art Show will take place in Paris from Jan. 10 to Jan. 30, 1894.
Art. 2. The aim of the exhibit is mainly artistic.
Art. 3.
Only works - apart from a good technical execution - which present a true artistic character in the selection of the subject, light, or composition of the picture (Portraits, landscapes, or genre scenes) will appear.
Art. 4. Each print will have to be presented separately either in a frame, on Bristol board, under glass.
The title of the subject and the author's name will have to be mentioned.
Art. 5. Presented works could already have appeared in other shows or contests.
Art. 6. Places will be free. Exhibitors will only bear the shipping fees and return of their shipments.
Art. 7. Application for memberships will have to be sent before Nov. 1st, 1893 to Mr. The secretary-general of the Photo Club.
Art. 8. Shipments will have to be sent to the Photo-Club, 40 rue des Mathurins, on Dec. 10th, at the latest.
Returning of works - successful or not - will occur during the first days of Feb. 1894.
Art. 9. A board of examiners, consisting of ten members chosen from art and photography notables, the list will be passed on to the exhibitors on November 15th, will examine the shipments and select those that will be included in the show. Their decisions will be final.
Art. 10. No reward will be offered.
Every exhibitor will be awarded a commemorative medal with his/her name engraved.
Paris, July 20th, 1893.
Secretary-General Chairman
Each exhibitor received a commemorative bronze plaque designed and engraved by M. G. HUOT.
[Special thanks to Frédéric Perrier for the translation]