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Comte D'Assche: (Bordezon (sic), Tarn, France)
La Prithre
[Photo-Club de Paris / 1894, Pl. XLIV]

Heliogravure / Photogravure
15.7 x 11.0 cm
Photograph courtesy
Copper plate by M. Dujardin, de Paris (pretée par la Direction de Photo-Gazette), print by M. Fillon of the ateliers LeMercier & Cie, Paris.
Included in the "Première Exposition d'Art Photographique" of the Photo-Club of Paris (1894)
This intriguing photograph which translates to "The Prayer" was made by Count D'Assche, listed in the list of exhibitors of the 1894 exposition catalogue alphabetically as "Assche (Comte D'), château de Noailhac (France)." A web search revealed this unknown, yet gifted French photographer as either the occupant or owner (more likely) of the Château de Noailhac. Erected in 1850, the château "is situated in the department Tarn in southwestern France, just south of Castres, and 80 kilometers due east from Toulouse." The château grounds cover 27,000 square meters…16 people can rent out the château by the week.
The Bordezon (sic) reference on the tissue guard is referring to Boissezon, a village near the château. Any other information on the photographer or subject matter of this photograph would be appreciated.


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