Émile Gsell 1866 Group portrait of Captain Ernest Doudart de Lagrée and other members of the Commission d'exploration du Mékong, Angkor Wat, Siam (now in Cambodia)
Albumen print Creative Commons - Wikipedia Ministère des Affaires étrangères, France. 'France diplomatie; Archives et patrimoine; Pages d'Histoire; Journées du Patrimoine 2003: Patrimoine spirituel autour du Monde; Une contribution à la préservation du patrimoine mondial. Les temples d'Angkor.; La mission Doudart de Lagrée à Angkor, 1866'
From left to right: Lieutenant Francis Garnier (1839 - 1873) (second in command); Lieutenant Louis Delaporte (1842 - d. 1925) (draughtsman and watercolourist); Drs. Clovis Thorel (1833 - 1911) and Lucien Joubert (b. 1832 - d. 1893) (navy physicians, in charge of geology, anthropology and botany), on either side of the leader of the expedition; Captain Doudart de Lagrée (1823 - 1868) (in white pants); Louis de Carné (b. 1844 - d. 1870 or 1871) (attaché, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs).