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Title page for "Instructions for Observing the Transit of Venus, December 6, 1882" (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882)

Title page
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This volumes contains high detailed instructions for the photographers that requires further research. The table of contents highlights the importance of the photographic evidence.
I. Introductory note 9
II. Selection of station 9
III. Laying out ground and setting up instruments 10
IV. Memoranda respecting the photoheliograph 13
V. Adjustments of the photoheliograph 14
VI. The heliostat 16
VII. The exposing slide 17
VIII. The tube 17
IX. The plate holder plumb line 18
X. Batteries and electrical connections 18
XI. The measuring-rod …. 19
XII. Instrumental errors 20
XIII. Fittings of the photographic house 21
XIV. Care of the sensitive emulsion 21
XV. Selecting and marking glass 22
XVI. Cleaning and albumeuizing glass 22
XVII. Coating plates 24
XVIII. Exposure of plates in the photoheliograph 26
XIX. The development 27
XX. Fixing and varnishing 29
XXI. Blistering and lifting of the him 29
XXII. Spots and other defects 29
XXIII. Preparatory practice 29
XXIV. Preparation for the transit 30
XXV. Photographing the transit 31
XXVI. Development and packing of transit plates 33
XXVII. Wet emulsion plates 33
XXVIII. Bath wet plates 33
XXIX. General precautions 34
XXX. The chronograph 35
XXXI. Time observations and chronometer comparisons 35
XXXII. Exchange of time with other parties 36
XXXIII. Latitude and longitude of station 36
XXXIV. The equatorial telescope 36
XXXV. Occultations 37
XXXVI. General instructions respecting observations of contacts 37
XXXVII. Methods of recording contacts 44
XXXVIII. Diameter of Venus 45
XXXIX. Data required 46
XL. Becords of observations and operations 49
XLI. Transmission and publication of observations 50


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