Unidentified photographer / artist
1868(A small colored photograph of his wife with a braid of her hair)
Book page
Google BooksMargaret Lee
Dr. Wilmer's Love; or, A Question of Conscience: A Novel, "Between the Rifle-Pits at Fredericksburg", p.343.
The men hail all hastened away to the regiment, and my poor friend, like many other brave men on both sides, would probably fill "a nameless grave." The thought, I knew, had never troubled him; he had fallen in the cause to which he had devoted himself, and would be buried on the field for which he had fought. Lest strange and careless hands should place him in the ground, I took from his pockets the few things they contained and fastened them securely in my own. He had no watch with him, and very little money; but in one of the pockets of his old purse was a small colored photograph of his wife and a braid of her hair. Thinking that they might serve to identify him at a future day, I placed them on his breast, hoping that they would escape observation, and be buried with him.