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John William Lindt
40. Sir Peter Scratchley's Camp, Aroa River, Redscar Bay [Papua New Guinea]
[British New Guinea Expedition 1885 led by led by Sir Peter Scratchley]

Albumen print
British Museum
Museum number: Oc,B19.16
Portrait of nine men and one boy in a camp among trees; six of the men are part of the official Sir Peter Scratchley 1885 expedition party, including Reverend James Chalmers (standing on the left holding a spear), Sir Peter Scratchley (reclining on right), and possibly E. B. Savage (reclining on the left) ; various camp equipment visible, including three guns, an umbrella, a hammock, alcohol, several blankets, a lantern, a bag and a tent; Redscar Bay, Papua New Guinea.


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