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Unidentified manufacturer (Central African Republic)
1997 (?)
Printed cotton textile in blue and green checks with brown and yellow and a portrait inscribed "Mme Mireille Kolingba Presidente d'Honneur de l'U.D.F.C." (L'Union Démocratique des Femmes Centrafricaines )

Printed textile, detail
British Museum
Museum number: 2011,2002.2
Mireille Kotalimbora-Kolingba is the wife of André-Dieudonné Kolingba, former president of the Central African Republic. Kotalimbora-Kolingba is formerly the honorary president of the Women´s Union, the UDFC (L'Union Démocratique des Femmes Centrafricaines ), now known as the Organisation des Femmes Centrafricaines (OFCA).


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