Unidentified photographer / artist
1886, March
Postage-Stamp Photo - Texas Teachers' Agency
Magazine page
Google BooksAnnouncement for the "Texas Teachers' Agency",
Texas School Journal, Vol.IV [New Series], March, 1886, No.3. This notice was to assist potential teachers gaining employment within Texas by including photographs with their applications.
One difficulty we had the last season was in regard to photographs. It is almost impossible to secure the election of a teacher by correspondence without sending a picture. But some applicants after all our urging neglected to send us a photograph; others sent one but urged us not to let it go out of our own hands, as it could not be duplicated ; and on the other hand we found school-boards dilatory about returning the photographs we sent them with recommendations, so that the teacher would lose an election in one place while his chances were being considered in another.
To obviate this difficulty we have made arrangements this season with a large house to prepare for us the
These are the size of a postage-stamp, with adhesive backs, and can be fastened to the letter of recommendation, thus preventing any possible misuse, which some teachers have feared. They are taken directly from the photograph (either card or cabinet size), and the original will be returned at once uninjured.
The price is $1.50 a hundred, making them the cheapest pictures one can obtain. These pictures we secure at this rate for any one who wants them, whether a member of this Agency or not; but to all members of the Agency ike price will be $1.25 for 90, as we will pay 25 cents for the other 10.