Franz Rontag1936Still Life with Fruit [Obststilleben]
3-color bromoil transfer
12,5 x 29,5 cm (4,7 x 11,4 in)
Private collection of the Kreissl-Rontag familySigned: '36 R.
The mount is inscribed : "Obststilleben, Original 3-Farben Bromöl Umdruck, F. Rontag ", [Still Life with Fruit, original 3-color bromoil transfer, F. Rontag]
A vignette indicates that it was hung at the International Photo Show in Vienna of 1936
This print may well be the same as the one called "Fruit" in a catalogue of the "Exhibition of Colour Photographs at the U.C.Camera Club in Cambridge in May 1936.
This photograph "… was framed and hung in the home of Franz Rontag. There are several drafts: A smaller one was transferred on cloth und matted on silver foil to achieve a certain brilliance. What was most striking to us was the frost visible on the plums and dark grapes and the pastel quality of the composition at the same time. The transparency of the glass bowl is striking, too." (Heinrich Kreissl, December 2006)