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Bamforth & Co.
When thou wast wed to me, my lass, a trustful bonnie bride
[The Quarryman's Resolve (9 of 12)]

Lantern Slide
3.25 x 3.25 ins (8.3 x 8.3 cm)
Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource:
Private collection, Lucerna ID no.5010038,
Recitation: Joseph John Lane Lantern Reading - The Quarryman's Resolve, (Bradford: Riley Bros. Ltd) [Loan Copy] - Slides could be borrowed along with the text for the recitation.
There is a paper copy of the recitation in the Graphic Arts Collection, Rare Books and Special Collections, Firestone Library, Princeton University
There were 12 glass slides in the original series:
Introductory slide - The Quarryman's Resolve
I'm going to turn teetotal, wife; I've had enough of beer
This noon, when I was at the delph, and in the shed alone
What dost think I've squandered, wife, in beer at the 'Dragon's Head'
For many a year I've toiled at th' delph in getting tons of flags [*** Glass slide not available ***]
They have all sorts of grand new things to decorate their rooms
Thou has been good to me, my lass, and worth a better mate
Nay, wipe thy eyes, and let me see how cheerful thou can be
When thou wast wed to me, my lass, a trustful bonnie bride
And then there's Dick and little Nell; they've seen my drunken ways
And when they lifted high the glass, and wished us years of joy
But I will start afresh, and make thee and the children glad
The Magic Lantern Society (UK) has a PDF (Library item number 90166) with the text of the recitation.


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