Henry Fox Talbot1844Title page for
The Pencil of Nature by William Henry Fox Talbot
[The Pencil of Nature]
Title page
Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc.Taken from the reproductions in Larry J. Schaaf,
H. Fox Talbot's The Pencil of Nature; Anniversary Facsimile (New York: Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Inc., 1989). The originals selected for this publication were the best single examples available for each plate. Not to be reproduced without permission of H.P. Kraus, Jr.
The latin quotation is taken from Book III of Virgil's
Georgics. The expanded quotation reads:
sed me Parnasi deserta per ardua dulcis
raptat amor; iuvat ire iugis, qua nulla priorum
Castaliam molli devertitur orbita clivo.
But I am caught by ardent sweet ravishing desire
Above the bleak Parnassian steep; I love
To walk the heights, from whence no earlier track
Slopes gently downward to Castalia's spring.