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J.A. Whipple
Daguerreotype Miniatures: John A. Whipple, 96 Washington Street

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Published in "The Stranger's Guide in the City of Boston" (Boston: Andrews & Co., 1848), p.31.
Daguerreotype Miniatures
John A. Whipple
96 Washington St.
Mr. Whipple stands among the foremost of living Daguerreotype Artists. He receives the patronage of the most distinguished citizens in our community, having established his reputation for accuracy, neatness and vividness of Daguerreotype Portraiture. A visit to his rooms at 96 Washington Street, will satisfy any one as to the amount of his business, as well as to the class of his patrons. He excels particularly in taking groups, and those who visited the last exhibition of the Mechanics' Fair, will remember well those rare specimens in this way, that were executed at the rooms of Mr. Whipple.
Mr. Whipple has a copy of a picture taken by him of the Governor and Council. It embellishes his studio and attracts the admiration of all who visit it. He has much of the patronage of the three learned professions from all parts of New England, and many families are indebted to his unsurpassable skill for the most choice and natural pictures of themselves, joined in a domestic circle. The happy effect of assemblies thus naturally pictured forth, it is impossible to describe. And such memorials are assuredly invaluable, growing more and more so, as absence, or death, or tune, alters or diminishes the domestic circle. We commend the practice of having such pictures taken. How many there are who would pay fifty times the usual price of such pictures, could they but obtain the full likeness of their families, now scattered or thinned by death.
In all the branches of the Daguerreotype profession, Mr. Whipple is prominently distinguished. He performs all that is possible in the art, and his terms are very moderate.


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