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André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri
Prince Jérôme

Carte de visite
Paul Frecker
In 1807 Prince Jér¶me Bonaparte was created King of Westphalia by his brother, Napoléon I. After the fall of the First Empire he began a long exile in Germany, Austria and Italy. When the Empire was restored, his nephew Napoléon III recognized him as a Prince of the Blood, granted him an enormous allowance and showered honours on him and his children. Overwhelmed with marks of favour and raised to a state of fortune beyond their wildest dreams, the ex-king and his family proved far from grateful to the Emperor and were always all too ready to denounce him as a usurper occupying the place that should, they thought, have been theirs.
The ex-king died 24 June 1860 and was buried in Les Invalides.


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