J.A. Whipple1852Daguerreotypes of the Sun and Moon
Magazine page
Google BooksAnnual of Scientific Discovery: or, Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, for 1852 edited by David A. Wells (Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1852), p.135.
During the past season, Mr. J. A. Whipple, of Boston, aided by Mr. Bond, of the Cambridge Observatory, has succeeded in taking several large and beautiful daguerreotype likenesses of the moon, as seen by a high power, under the great equatorial of the Observatory. We have rarely seen anything in the range of the daguerreotype art of so great beauty, delicacy, and perfectness, as the pictures referred to. The inequalities and striking peculiarities of the moon's surface are brought out with such distinctness, that the various mountain ranges, highlands, and isolated peaks are at once recognized. Crater-formed depressions in some of the mountains may be also seen. The views represent the moon at quarter and half-quarter, and are from three to four inches in length. Mr. Whipple, with the aid of Mr. Bond, succeeded in daguerreotyping the solar eclipse of July, in its various stages; and also the sun's disk, with the various spots which appeared upon its surface in the spring of 1851. Several of these daguerreotypes were exhibited at the American and British Associations, and also at the Great Industrial Exhibition, where a medal was awarded to Mr. Whipple.