Félix Bonfilsn.d.
Portes du St. Sepulcre [Church Of The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem]
Lantern slide, black and white
5.6 x 6.6 cm (2.25 x 2.625 ins)
Penn Libraries - University of PennsylvaniaThe Lenkin Family Collection of Photography, CAJS Image Collection: BM BON 3996 BM25
Glass slides, with taped edges, are housed in a wooden box ; slides have a printed white label with information about the publisher, the series title ("Pe`lerinage Terre Sainte"), the series number (41), the title handwritten in ink in French and copyright information ("Reproduction interdite"); title is printed on the back of the slide in reverse in both French and English
Fac¸ade of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre with a group of priests standing in front of the door; merchants are showing their wares on the ground and a man in a suit stands near the steps