Underwood & Underwood1903-1911
Photographs of the homes and haunts of prominent Mormons in Illinois, Missouri and Utah, and of Salt Lake City and Saltair views.
Catalogue, stereoview halfs
38.0 x 48.0 cm.
Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript LibraryPurchased from Morils on the Frederick W. and Carrie S. Beinecke Fund for Western Americana, 1983, Call Number: WA Photos Folio 18, p. 22
Photographs relating to Mormons in Illinois, Missouri and Utah [graphic].
(Accessed: 25 March 2022)
In Nauvoo, Illinois, views of the homes of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Lorenzo Snow and John Taylor and the grave of Joseph Smith, and of the jail in Carthage where Joseph and Hyram Smith were held, and the room in which they were killed. In Missouri, views of the jail at Liberty and of Lyman Wight's home at Adam-on-di-Aliman [?], near Gallatin, Missouri.
In Utah, views of the Tabernacle, Beehive houses, Eagle Gate, Temple Block, Assembly house, Court house, the grave of Brigham Young, and various street scenes in Salt Lake City. One photograph shows an advertisement for a baseball game between Salt Lake and Spokane. There are also views of the pavilion at Saltair Beach featuring bathers at Black Rock floating in the salt water, and of produce farming (beans, potatoes, onions) showing irrigated fields and water pipes.
Photographs of the homes and haunts of prominent Mormons in Illinois, Missouri and Utah, and of Salt Lake City and Saltair views.