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The use of a Daguerreotype to recognise Dn. Angel Herreros de Mora escaping Spain to have freedom of religion

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A Narrative by Dn. Angel Herreros de Mora of his Imprisonment by the "Tribunal of Faith" and EScape from Spain translated by Rev. W.H. Rule (London: Alexander Heylin, 1856), Chapter XXII, p.103.
While we were all at the table, in came this Jesuit, sat down opposite me, rubbing his hands cheerily, and put on the air of impudence which is so characteristic of the members of that humble Company when they have the best of it, as they have just now in Spain. He surveyed me deliberately, but my daguerreotype, which had no doubt been taken in the chamber of Patrocinio, was altogether different from the face which now met the eye of the sagacious Jesuit; for, that the person who directed my flight might not omit any precaution, he 'had disguised me a little, just only a little, in Madrid, but enough to prevent any one from applying to me the well known Spanish proverb, "Faltabale la barba por pelar." They had shaved off my whiskers, and left me with vigote and perilla on the upper and the lower lip. My friend trembled more than I, when he saw the Jesuit obstinately fix his eyes upon me again and again, yet not suffering his curiosity to hinder him from eating and drinking as heartily as the best of us.


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