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Karl Baden
Installation view of "Face Value: Reflections on Identity" Tufts University Galler, Medford, MA, April - May 1998
[Every Day]

Digital image
Provided by the artist - Karl Baden
'Face Value: Reflections on Identity': Tufts University Gallery, Medford MA, April-May 1998 For this exhibition, I made two videos ('133 Days' and '133 Months'), which ran simultaneously on two monitors placed side by side in the gallery. Structurally, the videos were identical; each consisted of 133 photographs of my face, one morphing into the next. The pacing of each image was the same for each video, as was the dissolve time. The length of both was also the same: 18 min. 58 sec. The difference between them was that in '133 Days', the time line was 133 consecutive days; 2.23.87 - 7.5.87, whereas in '133 Months', the images ran 133 consecutive months, beginning on the same date, 2.23.87, but ending eleven years later, on 2.23.98. (Karl Baden)


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