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Kristen Feilberg
Group portrait taken during the Penang Riots
[Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit]

Albumen print
14.6 x 21.2 cm (image)
The Royal Collection
RCIN 2702935
Photograph of a group of men standing behind a barricade constructed of logs. The photograph was taken during the 1867 Penang Riots. The men are primarily European. A selection of men hold weapons, like guns or sabres. There are two grouping of rifles, placed together to form a tripod. There is a cannon at the centre of the barricade.
During the 1867 riots, a number of European residents in Penang assisted the police.
From an album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit


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