Unidentified photographer / artist
1870Eta Mawr "Photography. A Sonnet."
Google BooksEta Mawr,
The Story of Count Ulaski: Aurelia; or, The Gifted: And other Poems, (London: Provost & Co., 1870), p.181.
A Sonnet.
There's nothing new, forsooth, beneath the Sun?
The Sun himself gives
Negatives to that!
Comes boldly forth in contradiction flat,
And teaches nought is old that now is done.
Phoebus was erst the
poet's patron god;
Him did the kindred art of
music woo.
At these his ancient votaries might plod
None ever dreamed he'd prove a
painter too.
"In act how like a god" he does the deed!
No pallette pencil paint doth he require;
But stamps at once the image you desire;
Confers a power creative, at your need;
And with the speed of light, outstripping thought,
By light itself the miracle is wrought!