Jakob Tuggener 1943 Book cover for "Fabrik, Ein Bildepos der Technik [Factory, A Photoessay on Technology]" (Erlenbach-Zürich, Rotapfel-Verlag, 1943)
Book cover Swann Galleries - New York Courtesy of Swann Galleries (Auction, May 22, 2007, #2115, Lot 187)
Introduction by Arnold Burgauer. Illustrated with full-page gravure reproductions of Tuggener's photographs of Swiss industry. 4to, red-stamped cloth; photo-pictorial dust jacket, with the "tafelverzeichnis" laid-in. Parr/Badger I 144; Hasselblad 134. first edition. Erlenbach-Zurich: Rotapfel-Verlag, (1943)