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Philip Henry Delamotte
1850 (published)

Illustration, assisted by Talbotype copying and reduction
Published in James Buckman & C.H. Newmarch, 1850, Illustrations of the Remains of Roman Art, in Cirencester, the Site of Antient Corinium, (London: George Bell). From the Preface (p. vi):
Accuracy of detail being of so much importance in archaeological matters, we may be permitted to say a few words on the artistic part of our volume, and the method by which our representations have been obtained. Whilst the tessellated pavements remained in situ, and before the operation of removing them was commenced, the entire surface of each room was covered with tracing paper, and every individual tessella traced, and coloured upon the spot, by Mr. Thomas Cox, with the greatest care and accuracy. The fac-simile thus obtained was then sent to London, and placed in the hands of Mr. Philip De La Motte, who availed himself of that ingenious invention the Talbotype, for reducing the more important parts, such as the heads of Ceres, Flora, and Pomona, &c. which are therefore, in their minutest details, faithful copies of their grand originals. Mr. De La Motte's good taste and artistic skill are too well known to require eulogy from us, but we cannot allow this opportunity to pass without testifying to the great care and attention which he has bestowed upon the different subjects.



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