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Leonida Caldesi
Prince Arthur, later Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught (1850-1942)

Salted paper print
17.8 x 15.1 cm (image)
The Royal Collection
RCIN 2900254
Prince Arthur, 1st Duke of Connaught (1850-1942)
Photograph of a head and shoulder length portrait of Prince Arthur, later Duke of Connaught (185--1942), facing towards the camera, his head turned slightly to the left. He gazes to the upper left. He leans his head on his arms which rest on a fabric covered table. The Prince is bare chested. This is one of two portraits of Prince Arthur by Leonida Caldesi, who probably took inspiration either from the two putti from Raphael's 'Sistine Madonna' or from a photograph (RCIN 2906215) by Oscar Gustav Rejlander on the same theme, taken earlier the same year.


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