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Henry Hering
The Kings and Queens of England, From the Conquest to Queen Victoria

Carte de visite and advertisement
Private collection of Professor Brian Stevenson, Ph.D.
The photograph includes the 83 monarchs ruling England from the Norman Conquest to Queen Victoria.
Comments by Prof. Brian Stevenson
Henry Hering issued a cdv-sized version of the kings and queens montage in 1862. The illustrated advertisement is from the May 31, 1862 issue of The Bookseller, and indicates when Hering began selling these cards. Note that Reeves' slides with this image were described in 1859. Thus, it is not clear whether Hering produced this montage 3 years before he published the cdv, if Reeves produced the montage and later sold the rights to Hering, or if a third person originally made it. Noting that Hering claimed copyright for the cdv image but the Reeves microphotographs do not mention copyright, I think the last two possibilities are more likely


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