Royal Air Force, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit
1944, 3/4 May (after)
[Severe damage to the tank and lorry depot at the German military base near Mailly-le-Camp, France]
[Royal Air Force: Operations by the Photographic Reconnaissance Units, 1939-1945]
Imperial War MuseumHU 92973
Vertical photographic-reconnaissance aerial, taken from 26,000 feet, showing severe damage to the tank and lorry depot at the German military base near Mailly-le-Camp, France, after the attack by aircraft of Bomber Command on the night of 3/4 May 1944. Approximately 1,500 tons were accurately dropped by aircraft of Nos.1 and 5 Groups, resulting in the destruction of 114 barrack buildings, 47 transport sheds and some ammunition stores. 102 vehicles, including 37 tanks were destroyed, and 218 German soldiers were killed, with a further 156 injured. 42 Lancasters out of the 346 despatched were lost.