Hand-tinted quarter-plate Irish ambrotype of a gentleman sporting a pink-tinted flower in his lapel. Identification for the photographer is on the back of the case in gold gilding and reads, Lauder Brothers, 45 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. While we commonly see elaborate hand tinting on British images it is not common with Irish pieces, which in any form seldom surface on the marketplace. Holding an open book, our subject is posed with legs crossed sitting in an ornately carved chair. A column is visible to his left. The sky has been tinted a lovely shade of blue with clouds floating about. The cushion is tinted in a burgundy color and even the wood on the top of the chair has been lightly highlighted to represent a rich appearance. The image is in excellent condition with very nice tonal qualities and has a small, period, hand-written label attached to the bottom of the velvet mat that reads, taken 10 mo. 1861.