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Unidentified photographer / artist
1864, 8 August (letter)
(Photograph in the pocket of a dying soldier during the American Civil War)

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Letter CXCVI, from Will. M. McLain, Co.B, 32d Ohio Infantry, The Thirty-Second Ohio in the Battles of July 22d and 28th near Atlanta, Ga. Camp of the 17th Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 8th, 1864. IN Lydia Mintum Post Soldiers' Letters, from Camp, Battlefield and Prison (New York: Bunce & Huntington, 1865), p.400-407.
Close by was a wounded lieutenant, calling (he was crazy and dying) to his mother, to give him water. Poor traitor! Can't you pity him? His mother lives at Athens, in this State; and after he died, one of the boys took a photograph from his pocket, which is very probably hers.


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