Peter Feldstein2005John Honn
[The Oxford Project]
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Welcome BooksI used to be a buckskinner, shooting muzzle-loaded rifles, throwing knives and tomahawks. I was obsessed with coon hunting. It wasn't about the kill. It was the chase.
I first heard the Lord speak to me when I was sixteen. I took four years of correspondence Bible college and from then on I've given myself to the Lord. He told me to start a gospel church and call it Anchored in Faith. In our church we have a horse tank with a heater in it to do baptisms. We've done more than a hundred.
We had a lady from Malaysia who was cured of a heart condition with one of our prayer cloths. We've had three people with epilepsy healed. We prayed with a lady who had a brain tumor and she was cured. We've had several people healed from total insanity. I once saw a blind man whose sight was restored.
I've spoken in tongues on three occasions. It happens when you allow God to speak through you.
God is more than we can comprehend. He can do anything. He's everywhere. Jesus Christ was God wrapped in flesh. I believe in Adam and Eve. I don't believe we came from monkeys.
I've seen devils, demons, and angels. I once had a demon come to my bedroom. He was tall, almost touching the ceiling, and cold like a cold-blooded animal. He was dark and drapey, like Darth Vader without the helmet. I rassled with him on the bed. Another time, a three-foot-tall demon came at me carrying a piece of roasted meat in one hand, and a cup of blood in the other. He told me, "Drink the Devil's Communion and you will be well!"
Angels are like florescent light. They're radiant. You can almost see through them.
The year 2028 will be when Jesus returns. I may be off by a year or two, but I believe it'll be around then when the Resurrection will take place.
John Honn
The Oxford Project. Welcome Books. Photographs © 2008 Peter Feldstein.
Text © 2008 Stephen G. Bloom.