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Shepherd & Robertson
The Maharaja Jaswant Singh of Bharatpur and courtiers

Albumen print
21.7 x 28.7 cm
Bassenge Photography Auctions
Auction 110, 19th - 21st Century Photography, 6 December 2017, Lot: 4059
This image shows the young Maharaja of Bharatpur, aged eleven, in his court in 1862. The young prince is seated in the center of his guddee or royal seat, which is of velvet and richly embroidered with gold. Behind him are four servants. In two rows on either side of the Rajah, the nobles and sirdars of the state are seated, who may be relatives, or officers in various parts of the state services.
Lit.: E. Jaiwant Paul/Pramod Kapoor. The Unforgettable Maharajas. One hundred and fifty years of photography. New Delhi 2003, ill. p. 20.


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