Alexander Svoboda1869Advert for "The Seven Churches of Asia. The result of Two Years' Exploration of their Locality and Remains." By Mr. A. Svoboda (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1869)
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Google BooksThe Seven Churches of Asia. The result of Two Years' Exploration of their Locality and Remains. By Mr. A. Svoboda. With 20 fullpage Photographs taken on the spot. Edited with a preface by the Rev. I. B. Tristram, F.L.S. 4to. cloth extra, price 2 guineas.
"Some time since ive reviewed the photographs taken by Mr. Svoboda on the sites of the famous Christian cities of Asia Minor, and found in them much that was interesting to the Biblical student and historian. We have in the well-printed volume before us twenty of these interesting illustrations, which fairly display the present state of the ruins so deeply connected with the early history of Christianity. Of these Smyrna supplies four, Ephesus five, Laodicea two, Hieropolis one, Sardis two, Philadelphia one, Magnesia Sypilus one, Thyatira one, and Pergamos three. To these the author has attached a carefully-written and very interesting series of accounts of the ruins and their history, taken from a popular and Scriptural point of view. Mr. Tristram has done his share of the work well, and edited a capital manual which is suited not only to general readers, but as a book of reference on a subject about which little is known, and that little not available without researches which would rival those of our author."
A List of Books - Publishing by Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street (November, 1869), p.3