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Félix Bonfils
Nazareth (Mensa Christi)

Book plate
24.8 x 19.8 cm (9.75 x 7.75 ins)
Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania
The Lenkin Family Collection of Photography, CAJS Image Collection: LBO BON 4983 LBO225CAJS
Photograph is in a book with a description in French; printed description: "La chapelle de la Mensa Christi (Table de Je´sus-Christ) a e´te´ ba^tie en 1861 par les Latins. Elle renferme un bloc de craie dure de 3m, 60 de long et 3 me`tres de large. La tradition raconte que Notre-Seigneur y aurait mange´ avec ses disciples avant et apre`s sa re´surrection. Nous donnons a` la suite la vue exte´rieure de la chapelle." Initials "B+P SC" are printed at lower left of the photograph; photographer's name is visible at lower left
A large oblong stone in a chapel with an altar and paintings on the marble walls


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